
from our Customers

Hear from our clients from various industries.

Organizations that collaborate with us include: Allianz, Amazon, Atos, Ekkharthof Switzerland, Gardena Division Husqvarna Group, GEWO Feinmechanik, HPE, HVB BKK, Sanacorp Pharmahandel, Siemens, Swiss Re, Trivadis, Truma, and more.


Feedback from RESPEKTRUM® clients


„Your positive energy and belief in me have helped me to surpass myself and achieve new goals. I appreciate your commitment and am very happy to have you by my side.”

(Top management of a hidden champion, coachee)

„A sensational life- and game-changing module!"

(Executive, participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„The two days were tremendously enriching. Familiar Maps were complemented and refined ...  Additional, entirely new content was generated which is particularly valuable to me. The exchange with other participants was very inspiring. RESPEKTRUM® consistently manages to inspire open-minded individuals and fosters them in their personal growth. In summary: I can absolutely recommend the DAYS OF EXCELLENCE!"

(Markus, Manager, Participant DAYS OF EXCELLENCE)

“Neutral - objective - practicable. BEING A LEADER is an outstanding training program that takes leadership and leadership qualities to a completely new level. The sustainability of the tools and exercises is unique. Very impressive and highly recommended!”

(Chief Revenue Officer, coachee, BEING A LEADER participant)

„Not only are you  the wind in my sails, you  also never leave me out in the rain."

(Chief Human Relations Officer / HR Manager, COACHEE)

„I received and tried out excellent tools. At the same time, I learned how to break free from old patterns. I have great respect for your work and your fine sense for individual persons. It's amazing how you picked up everyone from where they were and created the opportunity for each of us to expand our 'box' in our own way. This weekend has made a big difference. Thank you very much!"

(S. Wittig-Breger, Management ohwieschön! Event Agency, Participant Module  PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„What we experienced and achieved was unforeseeable and incredibly valuable. Let yourself in for a change with an energetic boost!"

(Ralf, Manager, Participant Module PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„The experience of the company workshop EMOTIONAL STRENGTH was instrumental in improving our collaboration. I learned how important it is, especially in group structures, to recognize the dynamics, and to examine and optimize the structures within a system. This happens by transferring topics, such as conflicts, from the personal to a super-personal level. It was great to get to know everyone on our team from a different angle. I remember all of this very well, even after more than two years."

(Noah H., Participant Corporate Workshop EMOTIONAL STRENGTH)

„Once again, the coaching session was exactly what I needed, at the right moment."

(Petra B., COACHEE)

„It was totally worth it. Insights from previous modules could be refreshed and reactivated. I feel charged and full of energy for the tasks ahead. Once again, the module made me take a quantum leap in the right direction for my personal development."

(Jochen, Management, Participant Module PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„Coaching is a matter of mutual trust and respect, of being challenged without  being overwhelmed, and resulting in a noticeable change in one's everyday life.  In her coaching sessions, an due to her professional and interpersonal skills, Ms. Reichard has created the context and opportunity for me to uncover deep connections and to permanently activate resources as yet untapped. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for this."

(Clarissa G., Product Management SAP SE, COACHEE)

„With a few sentences, you managed to open entirely different perspectives and possibilities for me and encouraged me to take on new paths. Thank you!"

(Valentin R., Management, COACHEE)

„Going through your process of vocation distillation helped me recognize my values and what it is that defines me. Not in doing, but in being. This was my personal quantum leap made possible by you, because it fundamentally changed my understanding of myself.

Even though this happened a while ago, it is the awareness of this which makes me very, very grateful. - In great appreciation.“

(Katrin Rohland, Managing Director, Participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE, COACHEE)

„Immediately after the coaching session, both I, myself and the people close to me noticed a significant and positive change in my demeanor. Thanks to RESPEKTRUM®'s novel, systemic constellation technique, I now have a positive and confident approach to people. I maintain a friendly and composed attitude in every situation. At the same time, I  and my new awareness now cause situations to become more constructive and effective, thus leading to  solution focus and cooperation. For me and the people I deal with the effect of coaching is a blessing."

(Benigna Lehner, Specialist Attorney for Medical Law, COACHEE)

„Impressive, innovative, inspiring, door-opening. Absolutely recommendable!“

(Beate Czerny, Management Coras Digitaldruck & Kopierfabrik, Munich/ Mühldorf, Participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„In two days I gained a completely new and precise way of structuring emotions  and feelings, the ability to make clear distinctions, as well as tools to implement this learning in everyday life. The workshop permanently provides added value  for my perceptions and the interactions with myself and the people around me. A real, significant enrichment – professionally and personally.“

(Benigna L., Participant EMOTIONAL STRENGTH)

„The content is a great tool to make yourself aware of the connections underlying your everyday problems. It is excellent for everyone interested in personal development. Highly recommended!"

(Andrea T., University Employee, Participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„The awareness of your own positive qualities is strengthened. The Maps / OnePagers help determine your own position, find direction, make responsible decisions, and ultimately have your own vision in mind. I learned a lot!“


„Thanks again for the great weekend. It was a very nice workshop and an enormous energy boost for my professional and private life. Great group, great coach. Thank you!“

(Elisabeth Wörndl, Tax Consultant, A.u.B. Treuhand, Markt Schwaben, Participant DAYS OF EXCELLENCE)

„The workshop is a real 'game-changer' with a deep, valuable and permanent impact.“

(André N., Project Manager & Innovator, Participant DAYS OF EXCELLENCE)

„I enjoyed the workshop EMOTIONAL STRENGTH over 2½ years ago and still use the content.“

(Christel H., Marketing, Participant EMOTIONAL STRENGTH)

„It was an unforgettable experience. In these three days, I discovered things about myself that will have a 100% positive effect on my life. With this module, pitfalls in one's own life can be removed and defused. The module opened up perspectives for me to view things and actions in a new way, to stop the downward spiral, and to further unfold my potential. Thank you for this valuable module!“

(Jochen A., Department Head, Participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„I am happy for everyone who participates in this special module. A module for participants who want to grow and be amazed by themselves. The intensity is truly amazing. You can consider me a fan of this module."

(Katrin R., Managing Director, Participant PRESENCE & MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE)

„In dealing with people, a different, demanding togetherness is required today – this is conveyed here in a lasting effect.“

(Uwe R., Sales Manager, Participant DAYS OF EXCELLENCE)

„The workshop has a lasting effect - I can observe more conscious  interactions and awareness within the team. Our 'boxes' are in motion, and this makes for good collaboration in the team!"

(Maja K. on Corporate Module EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE)

„The RESPEKTRUM® workshops put me on a different, more advanced level. To me, Ms. Reichard's work can be compared to that of an Agoge/special teacher I know, who actually helped a person get up out of their wheelchair. Remarkable!"

(Lucas B., Agoge, Switzerland, on Corporate Module EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE)

„The workshop was amazing. Awareness and the 'Toolbox of Possibilities' you  co-create here help you in everyday life – no matter what you want to achieve."

(Käthe V., Business Informatics Student, Workshop EMOTIONAL STRENGTH)

„From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your great work with us, your  workshop participants: for your commitment, your goal orientation, and your 'skillfulness' which you have proven once again. It's a lot of fun to work with you like this. I'm already looking forward to further opportunities."

(Klaus S., Entrepreneur)

„In my opinion, the following quote from the Dalai Lama describes in a few words your way acting and showing appreciation and respect in your work:

'You don't need a teacher to influence you. You need a teacher who teaches you not to be influenced anymore.'“

(Kathrin S., Event Manager)

„Thank you for the exceptional module. I experienced it as a kind of 'quantum leap' and still feel supported by it. Some things I internalized instantly, many have a lasting effect. I wondered what exactly the reason is for this special quality: For me, it is your intuition and your ability to integrate, as well as your presence. You have shown true mastery in both of these. This special experience was made possible and rounded off by your helpful insights, the way you turned a set of individual participants into a group, as well as the great documentation. Thank you very much.“

(Doris M., Branch Manager)

„It continues to amaze me what you can make happen in a person.“

(Cristiano B., Senior Manager)

„Thank you very much, my wish has come true, now my team is not 'just' a team but a more self-confident team. Thank you!“

(Valentin R., Management)

„At this point, once again, my sincere thanks for the training in Freising which was incredibly exciting, intensive, and also instructive - because it can be applied day by day.“

(Berend Haber, Founder and former Managing Director of 3C Personnel Consulting)

„To know where you stand, to have the chance to consciously choose the way ahead, and to detect and use possibilities seem to me to be the most valuable things I can learn for my further development! I draw from this beautiful, instructive, and constructive training. Thanks again for allowing me to participate in this quantum leap.“

(Margarete E., Field Service Consultant)

„If you want to have an interesting and novel experience about yourself and examine your life's circumstances with an external, neutral, and competent person, this is the right place. Openness and willingness to open up are prerequisites. In a charming and loving and also professional way, Ms. Reichard helped me clearly define the people and relationships in my life. With her help,  matters long dormant were brought to the surface and thus clarified and articulated. After the session, which was long and also strenuous, I consciously chose not to analyze my behavior or the result. I simply let what we had worked on sit and rest. Unknowingly, I went new ways purposefully and behaved differently in my environment.

Overall: A very positive experience that I can recommend to everyone!“

(Dr. Bettina S., Company Management)

„In the EMOTIONAL STRENGTH workshop, conventions that you have acquired in the course of life are analyzed precisely and comprehensibly. In her charming and loving but also professional way, Britta Reichard presents many options on how to overcome constricting limitations through awareness and practice.

A very positive seminar that was also fun.“

(Gerhard H., Diplom Engineer)

„A very good seminar. Well-structured. Clear instructions. It helps to question and change well-established patterns. It provides a good overview of emotional connections.“

(Tobias M., Social Worker)

„The coaching opened the floodgates to the qualities that rest within oneself. Every one of your questions to me, but also in preciseness of your statements, is an indication that everything you say is the result of self-acquired knowledge  and experience. I deeply and sincerely thank you for your help.“

(Petra W., Naturopath)

„You are a coach in a league of your own – I think you radiate this, too:  Excellence and loving kindness."

(Ulla L., Naturopath Psychotherapy)

„In the over 20 years of my professional career, I have essentially always held the same middle-management sales positions. As a result of Ms. Reichard's professional coaching I managed to achieve the break through. I was able to implement significant behavioral changes. This allowed me to take the desired career step and become a member of the management team of a consulting company. Ms. Reichard continues to coach me very fruitfully in this new position."

(Jürgen R., Member of Management, Consulting Company)

RESPEKTRUM®- Wind in Your Sails!