

In the challenging world of leaders and aspiring talents, our certification as "Expert in Leadership & Business Development" sets new standards and demonstrates your commitment to the highest achievements - both professionally and personally.

Endorsed by Swiss Businesses

The RESPEKTRUM® certification "Expert in Leadership & Business Development" is used, for example, by leading companies in Switzerland,  to meet the Swiss Cantons' stringent requirements for executives.

Your certification - your benefit

  • As a RESPEKTRUM® expert, you show your commitment to quality, performance, and ethical principles.
  • Your certificate is a recognition of your top leadership qualities and contributes to securing and enhancing your success.
  • It instills in your customers, business partners, and employees  confidence and trust in your professional, mindful business conduct and solution-oriented approach.

Initial Certification - Your Ticket To Excellence


Expert in Leadership &  Business Development

You can be certified as an EXPERT IN LEADERSHIP & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT after completing all four management moduls.

Your certificate attests to your acquired expertise and thus entitles you to carry this qualification title.

Certification Fee:
Single fee €600 plus VAT.

Validity of Certification:
Your certificate remains valid until the end of the next calendar year. To maintain the high-quality standard, annual re-certification is required.

Re-Certification - Maintaining the Standard


Expert in Leadership &  Business Development

Annual participation in the RESPEKTRUM® Days Of Excellence or, alternatively,  5 hours of RESPEKTRUM® Management Executive Coaching to maintain the high certification standard.

Annual Re-Certification Fee: 
220€ plus VAT.

Validity of Re-Certification:
12 months

Your Leap From The Normal To The Exceptional ...

... contact us for a non-binding and free initial consultation.